Yesterday the Ayden-Grifton Track team had their first track meet of the year at Washington High School. The men placed first in 10 events. Leading the Chargers were Matt Dougherty that won the 800-meter run, the 1600-meter run and the 3200-meter run. Courtney Fuller also won three events that included the 110-meter high hurdles, the 300-meter low hurdles and the high jump. Perseus Williams won the 200-meter run and the long jump. Ken Spady won the triple jump and Josh Hunter won the shot put competition. The ladies were led by Captain Khadeejah Boss that got first in the 200 meter run and Laura Steinlein that received first in the long jump. The ladies 400-meter relay team also scorched the competition by getting first as well. Both Courtney Fuller and Perseus Williams automatically qualified for regionals in 2 events each yesterday. The Chargers next meet is Thursday against rivals Farmville Central. The meet is away and starts at 4 p.m. Please come and support your Charger track team.