Sprinting Drills
These drills are designed to develop the mechanics, strength, and power needed to produce maximum performance in sprinting. They are designed for use while warming up before the workout. The length and difficulty of each drill can be altered to any desired distance and intensity.
Butt Kickers.
From a jog, the lower leg is allowed to swing back and to bounce off the buttocks. The upper leg should not move much. Place emphasis on allowing (not Forcing) the heel to come up to the butt. Wall Slide.
From a jog, the action is the same as for butt kickers except that the heel of the recovery leg must not travel behind the body. Imagine that there is a wall of glass running down the back, and do not allow the heel action to break the glass. This action will produce knee lift without forcing the action. As in butt kickers, when this drill is done properly, the heel will bounce off the butt.
Start And Sprint.
From a stationary position, start quickly, and feel the power being applied behind your body. Ten yards out, quickly shift from running in the back of your body to sprinting in front of the body. This drill should emphasize the difference between starting technique (behind the body) and sprinting technique (in front of the body).
Quick Feet Drill.
From a jog, increase your stride rate so that you take as many steps as possible in a 10-yard interval. Jog 10 yards and repeat. Emphasize quick turnover with the legs moving in front of, not behind or under, the body.