Bounding drills are designed to develop the explosive leg power required during starting. These types of drills are stressful enough to be a workout by themselves, or they may be included in a workout. They should never be used as warm-up or cool-down drills.
Straight Bounding.
Begin with a slow jog and try to bound as high a possible using a running form that emphasizes a high-knee lift. Land on the opposite leg and continue bounding down the field. Start by performing 1 set of 4 bounds per leg and work up to 3 sets of 10 with each leg.
Outside Bounding.
This drill is similar to straight bounding except the foot is placed laterally outside the normal landing position and the body is projected laterally, as well as, up and forward. Use this drill only after straight bounding has been perfected.
Inside Bounding.
This drill is similar to outside bounding except that the foot is placed laterally inside the normal landing position, and the body is projected laterally, as well as, up and forward. This drill should only be used after you have perfected straight bounding.