There will be no Cross Country team again this year at AGHS. I have managed to get some of you that want to participate (that ran track)to do so as individuals.
Our A.D. said we can run individually and that I can coach you. We
CAN NOT start a team due to missing the deadline for starting a new sport. I am willing to meet you during the week and the weekends and to be at the meets as well. DH Conley, Farmville, and South Central all have meets that you can participate in. I will have the schedules next week and there may be some conflicts for some of you doing soccer.
I need to know asap via email or by phone if anyone is interested. You will be responsible for getting yourself there and back. There will be no chance of qualifying for regionals or state. I thought I would let you know this first. This may be our test year to get the program some interest. I will consider taking all of the soccer team and a few ladies if we have any. Thanks and I hope I hear from some of you soon.
Coach D.