Great job to Paul Cornwell and his staff in their first win of the season against the Pamlico Hurricanes by a score of 26-14. The Chargers are now 1-0. Keep up the good work...
Pamlico ...7 7 0 0—14
Ayden-Grifton ...14 6 6 0—26
Scoring summary
AG — Jeremy Hardy 10 run (run failed), 1st, 5:16.
P — Fraqwan Jones 1 run (kick good), 1st, 1:43.
AG — Jeremy Hardy 99 kick return (Jamal Hardy run), 1st, 1:26.
P — Tony Smith 12 run (kick good), 2nd, 7:31.
AG — Jeremy Hardy 27 run (run failed), 2nd, 4:24.
AG — Courtney Fuller 31 pass from Matt Dougherty, 3rd, 6:35.